
The Story about Me
Hi! My name is Donald but I go by Scotty. I have three of the greatest truck driver. Their names are Tom, and Ken.I still talk with them. I had the Encephalitis virus when was fourteen months and it took the use of my legs then I got it when I was three years old this time it took pretty over the place. I will not let this get me down because I got friends all over the place. I have a device called Mercury it so easy to use. I have a dot right on my eyeglass it can pick up laser I can operate my computer with this and it will also talk for me. I like to go out to eat, playing on computer, chatting with people online. My new thing to do is talking with truck drvivers, and more. My favorite race driver is Jeff Gordon. I created my own good website. I would like to get a job doing that. My new thing to do is listing to slow music as I listen to that while I am writing. I am talking a class for website making. My teacher is Walter; he is a great teacher for me. I would like to have more truck drivers to talk to. Hey, your 18 wheels I love you people! So hookup with one will you. I love talking to my twerps and I love get updated eveyday from them. Now, I talk NASA folks.
Scotty History of Devices

This two devices, I used a light talker, and liberater with light. I had been showed by  a schools class and colleges class. By this devices

This one device, I am use Mercury with a dot or assess by computer. it is so wonderful to me. I had been showed  by a HHS Mis Helt class 2003 and  O.V.R and  more. By this device and with a computer access with a dot i can talk with my friends and my trucker buddes. this story make me  cry i thinking how peoples help me
